UTA Parking Finder Unveiled: The Drive for Smart Campus Mobility

August 21, 2023
Alina Prioteasa

Access UTA Parking Finder to search for parking on campus, better understand parking rules, and make the best informed decisions.

Whether it’s the first day of classes or the last day of exams, no student wants to stress over finding a parking spot on campus. The same goes for faculty and staff, who also need to reach their destination on time. Our goal has always been to help drivers navigate parking lots and garages with confidence and ease, and the university campus is arguably one of the best settings for putting these initiatives into action. Here’s a look into how we’re doing that at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA).

UTA Paving the Way for Better Campus Parking

With more than 40,000 students and thousands more employees, UTA is one of the largest educational institutions in the state of Texas. The university is also a leader in transportation research, which is why it made perfect sense to launch our innovative digital platform on its campus. The UTA Parking Finder equips students, staff, and visitors with real-time visibility into parking availability across campus lots and garages. It’s also deployed as a tool to fuel research into smart campus mobility, thanks to a grant from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).

With the $500,000 research grant, UTA will conduct research into how effectively the tool improves the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of campus mobility over the next 12 months. NCTCOG has approved the grant for UTA’s Jay Rosenberger, professor of Industrial Engineering, and Greg Hladik, executive director of Auxiliary Services, will lead focus groups. The groups will focus specifically on sustainability, as well as improvements in parking safety and efficiency.

Powered by advanced analytics, The UTA Parking Finder establishes the digital infrastructure for lots and garages across campus, leveraging the interactive map overlay to revolutionize the way in which parking is managed. With up-to-the-moment insights into parking availability, motorists will be able to minimize the amount of time they spend driving around campus. As such, the initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions, control traffic, and promote the use of sustainable transportation. Findings from the research project could ultimately spark meaningful conversations about smart campus technology and lead the revolution for a more seamless and intuitive parking experience across U.S. colleges and universities.

Enabling Data-Driven Event Planning

In addition to giving drivers parking insights at their fingertips, Modii will also empower parking administrators to make data-driven decisions for event planning. With Modii PI, the UTA team has access to a customized dashboard that delivers live utilization metrics, plus on-demand and automated reports. These features will enable analysis of parking trends, which will allow them to plan strategically for games, events, construction, and any other changes that could impact parking or traffic.

Moving Forward with UTA Parking Finder

While UTA is well-equipped with parking for students, staff, and visitors, it’s one of the largest universities in the state and therefore draws thousands of drivers to its campus each day. Now, finding a parking space will no longer be a stressor for commuters. In addition to parking lot occupancy percentages and availability of individual spaces by specific permit type, drivers will also be able to see details about available payment systems. Having all of this information readily available will make for a more pleasant and efficient on-campus experience, whether you’re returning to school as a student this fall, visiting for a big game, or heading to work. To access UTA Parking Finder for your next trip to campus, click here.

Looking for parking on other university campuses? Access some of our other university Parking Finders here: UTA Parking Finder, UNLV Park & Go and CampusParc at The Ohio State University.

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  3. Name the website shortcut “UTA Parking Finder”

  1. Open Safari and go to the UTA Parking Finder.
  2. Tap the share button (square with an arrow through it on the bottom) and select “Add to home screen”
  3. Name the website shortcut “UTA Parking Finder”

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